PyroButton-X softwares for Self-powered temperature, humidity and pressure monitoring system
PyroButton-SQL v.4 software - PyroButton SQL is a 21 CFR Part 11 compliant product, which is simple to use, but provides effective solutions
for self-powered temperature, humidity, and pressure measurements, including validation, mapping, monitoring, sterilization, and stability studies. Due to its small size
- the smallest device in the industry - it is ideal for moisture penetration evaluation relative container closure validation. It integrates the capabilities of PyroButtons,
application modules, Decision Support Sub-System with Statistical Quality Control (SQC) & Statistical Process Control (SPC) library and design qualification utility program(s)
(e.g., PyroCAD) for intelligent validation planning, meaningful validation studies, and reliable monitoring.
Key Features
Configure (setup) one or more PyroButtons simultaneously
Batch programming of the data-loggers - programming dozens or even hundreds of loggers with a single mouse click
Batch data-download - read the measurement data from multiple loggers
SOP relationships of the measurements (events)
Display the readings in table and graph modes
Save the readings to database for later recall and long-term evaluation
Reload the readings from database
Export the results to Microsoft Excel and other programs
Efficient MS SQL database engine for managing a lot of measurement data
Evaluate the results of one or more measurements, with Statistical Quality Control (SQC)
Statistical Process Control (SPC) models and determine the Critical Control Points (CCP) relative to products and/or processes
PyroButton-X Simple software - is a simple and effective solution for self-powered PyroButton-X (PBX) data-logger temperature,
humidity, and pressure measurements, including validation, mapping, monitoring, sterilization, and stability studies. This is a file version software,
which means there is no database behind the software.
PBX Simple has been optimized for the simultaneous operation of large numbers of temperature/humidity/pressure logger devices. That is, one can configure
not only one but even 100's (or more) of PyroButton-Xs in the same time, and view on the screen the results of multiple runs simultaneously. Data from the
loggers are stored in a file and remain available for later use.
Note: For 21 CFR Part 11 compatible database version software go for PyroButton-SQL v4!
Key Features
Configure (setup) one or more PyroButton-X simultaneously
Read/download the measurement data from one or more PyroButton-X(s)
Display the readings in table and graph modes
Save the readings to file for later recall and long-term evaluation
Reload the readings from file
Export the results to Microsoft Excel and other programs for further evaluation
PyroButton-X Simple software for PyroButton-X data-loggers Windows 10 compatible.
PBX Simple is an effective solution for self-powered PyroButton-X (PBX) data-logger temperature, humidity, and pressure measurements, including validation, mapping, monitoring,
sterilization, and stability studies. This is a file version software, which means there is no database behind the software.
436 /license
PyroButton-XSQL v.4.x software with 21 CFR Part 11 compliance Windows 10 compatible with 2016 MS SQL Engine and SPC. New � expanded sensor capabilities: Supports Temperature, Humidity, Pressure, Ethylene Oxide, VOC and others as added. Includes: 2016 MS SQL Express with SPC (includes: Applications, Basic, Clean Room, Equipment, Facility, Meteorological, Process, Stability chamber, Sterilization, Transportation,
Container/Closures modules; provides heat & moisture distribution map, loading effects, container/closure evaluation, PQ, and much more. Built-in automatic correction of
measurement based on the calibration data. Signal processing program module for optimization of signal smoothing for the reduction of inherent noise of applicable sensors�
measurements, which improves the reliability of results. Built-in uncertainty of measurement calculation). Includes:
eManual and eTutorial
IQ-OQ-PQ & 21 CFR Part 11 Verification Protocols 21 CFR Part 11 compliant, 1 workstation license