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PyroButton-Basic installation
PyroButton-Basic program
Programming & Reading

All questions and answers in this section can be applied to PyroButton-Standard software as well.
To understand the differences between PyroButton-Basic and PyroButton-Standard, please follow this link.

PyroButton-Basic installation


How can I install the PyroButton-Basic program?

The PyroButton-Basic Temperature install program will start automatically when the install CD is loaded. Install can also be started manually by launching ‘Install.exe’ from the root folder of the install CD.
The install wizard will guide you through the PyroButton Basic Temperature installation.


Do I need significant background to install the program?

No. The intelligent wizard guides you through the PyroButton-Basic installation step-by-step. Please note: To Install PyroButton-Basic under Windows XP or 2000, one needs to be logged in with Administrator-privileges.


How powerful of a computer do I need to run the PyroButton-Basic program?

The system operates very well on a 1996 year's computer.

Minimum requirements:
- Pentium 200 MHz
- 64 MB RAM
- 24x CD drive
- 800x600 display resolution, high color (1024x768 recommended)
- 50 MB free hard disk space
- Free serial, parallel, or USB port
- Mouse
- Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP operating system


What operation system is neccessary to run the PyroButton-Basic program?

The system runs under almost all Windows-based operating system (Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 or XP).


What are the prerequisites of the program installation?

The prerequisites are:
  • MS Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1
  • Service Pack 6 for Windows NT 4.0
The above listed components are present on the OPULUS PyroButton Basic Temperature install CD.


How do I know that the prerequisites are available?

The installation program detects the lack of the necessary components and gives a warning message. (The necessary components are on the OPULUS PyroButton Basic Temperature install CD.)
The PyroButton Basic Temperature install wizard will not install the pre-requisites! You should extract and run them manually, if necessary.
Service Pack 6 for MS Windows NT 4.0 (The package is located on the CD in: \NT4 SP6\I386)
MS Internet Explorer 6.0 Service Pack 1 (The Service Pack is available for all supported operating system. Select the appropriate folder on the CD in: \IE6SP1\WIN2KXP, or \WIN98ME, or \WINNT)


What are the components of the installation program?

  • Prerequisites installation

  • PyroButton-Basic software installation

  • Power & Communication Unit installation

  • PyroButton data-logger license installation

  • Q8: 

    Do I need any special resource for the installation?

    No, it is not necessary, but we recommend the reading of the installation manual included in the package; keep it ready in case of need during the installation process.


    How can I start the installation of data-logger's driver (1 Wire Drivers (Win32) V3.20)?

    You do not have to start the driver installation. The driver installation is part of the whole installation process.


    During the installation the 'Check User' window appeared. Why?

    You must have administrative privileges on the target computer to install the program.
    If you are an administrator click OK button.
    If you are not administrator, stop the installation and login as an administrator.


    Is the installation executable if the PyroButton adapter is attached to the computer?

    No. If you have a 1-Wire USB device plugged in, you must unplug it for the driver to be updated before continuing the installation process.


    What is meant by 'PyroButton license installation'?

    The PyroButtons supplied with the Opulus product package can only be used with PyroButton Basic Temperature software, if PyroButton license files are successfully installed.


    How can I install these license files?

    After completing the installation of PyroButton Basic Temperature, insert ‘Opulus PyroButton License for PyroButton’ CD into the CD drive. The License install will start automatically.
    Install can also be started manually by launching ‘Install.exe’ from the root folder of the install CD.
    To install PyroButton licenses included in the package click on the ‘Install’ button.


    Do I have to use separate CD(s) to install PyroButton license files?

    If you buy the PyroButton software and the PyroButton data-logger(s) at the same time, then the installation CD contains the license file(s).

    PyroButton-Basic program


    How can I start the PyroButton-Basic program?

    Start the program by double click the PyroButton-Basic icon on the desktop or by click Start > Programs > OPULUS > PyroButton-Basic > PyroButton-Basic submenu to launch the program.


    How can I login?

  • Select a user name from the User name list and enter the appropriate password in the Password field (applicable only if ‘Live Mode’ mode is used). Note: After installation the Initial System Administrator’s password is: 123456.

  • Select the measure mode (Simulation or Live Mode).

  • Select the temperature unit to be used (Centigrade, Kelvin or Fahrenheit) and click OK to access the system.

  • The Registration process will start first. If registration shall be done later, then click Close on the Registration form. The main program window will appear next.


    What is 'Live mode'?

    The software can be used in either Live or Simulation measure modes. The Simulation mode is for demonstration, practice, and learning of the various procedures and functionalities of the program without the need of a PyroButton. Naturally, for actual temperature measurement the Live mode must be used.

    Important: If you choose Simulation, a default login name (Simulation) and a default password will be filled in in the appropriate fields and the following functions of the PyroButton program will be not available: Setting Up the Adapter, PyroButton Manager, User Manager, Audit Trail.


    Does the simulation mode shorten the lifetime of PyroButton?



    What is 'Temperature Unit'?

    Here you can decide which temperature unit do you want to use (Celsius, Farenheit, Kelvin).


    After the program starts the 'PyroButton Basic Temperature registration' window appears. Why?

    If your program is not registered or it is expired, the 'PyroButton Basic Temperature registration' window appears immediately after entering the program.
    • If you already have received the product key, then you can apply it by click the Apply Product Key button.
    • To receive the registration key, click on the start registration button and follow the instructions on the screen.
    If you have applied correctly the product key, then you can already use the PyroButton program.
    If you do not have a product key or have not applied it correctly, then you cannot use the program. A warning message will appear and the PyroButton program will shut down.


    How to complete the 'Opulus registration-Step 1. ' form?

    Fill in the registration form according to the requirement; the fields marked with a red star are required to be completed.


    How can I forward the registration form to Opulus?

    In the OPULUS Registration - Step 2 window you are informed how to send the completed registartion to Opulus.

  • If there is an accessible e-mail system and Internet connection, then click on Click here to e-mail the registration information now link to send the registration request information as an e-mail. Ignore steps 2 to 4.

  • Alternatively, use Notepad to print your registration and fax it to Opulus. Click on the Click here to open the registration with Windows Notepad link.

  • The Notepad application will open, containing the registration request data.

  • Print and fax the registration request to Opulus. If you are in the Americas, Australia, and Asia, then use fax number 1-763-374-7752. In Europe, Africa and Middle-East use fax number +36 62 551 769. Alternatively, save your registration as a file and attach it in an e-mail to Opulus: registration@opulus.com.

  • Programming & Reading


    How can I program and read the PyroButton data-loggers?

    Insert the PyroButton data-logger to the adapter (which is connected to the computer). Start the PyroButton-Basic program. For programming click on 'Configure Measurement'. The PyroWiz 'Measurement Configuration Wizard' is launched for configuring the measurement of one PyroButton attached to your computer.
    For reading, click on 'Read Measurement & Create Measure-Document' the Measure-Document dialog window appears and shows all the identification and measurement data of one PyroButton attached to your computer.


    How can I choose which PyroButton to be programmed or read?

    If you have more than one PyroButton attached to your computer, first the 'Device Selector' dialog window appears and invites you to select one PyroButton from those attached to your computer. After selection you can program or read the data-logger.


    What is 'Measurement ID'? What is the purpose of 'Measurement ID'?

    The Measurement ID serves as an unique identifier for the measurement. It is compulsory. The ID should be any textual character string (e.g. place of the measurement, date of the measurement or combination of these). If you have more than one PyroButton, then worth to give a 'talkative' identifier.


    What resolution to choose?

    Please take into consideration the connection between the measurement resolution and the maximum number of measurements that can be stored. A lower resolution gives you the possibility to store more measurements, a higher resolution gives you the possibility to store fewer measurements. If the maximum number of measurements is exceeded, then earlier measurement data is overwritten by later measurement data.


    What is meant by 'Type of measurement'?

    There are three types of measurements.

  • Continous measurement until termination - the PyroButton will measure until it is stopped with the 'End measurement function' from the main menu. The number of the measurements is limited, and when this limit is exceeded, then later ones overwrite the earlier data.

  • Pre-defined time interval measurement and Define Rates of measurements - the Time Between Two Measurements and the Number of Measurements can be set here.

  • Pre-defined time interval measurement and Define the Full measuremnet interval - the Complete-Time Interval of Measurement and the Number of Measurements can be set here.

  • Q28: 

    What is the purpose of 'Upper and Lower limit' and 'Critical Temperature limit'?

    For some applications it may be essential to not only record temperature over time and the temperature histogram, but also record when exactly the temperature has exceeded a predefined tolerance band and for how long the temperature stayed outside the desirable range. In the PyroButton software you can set temperature limits (upper and lower) and critical temperature limits (upper and lower) of the measurement. If the critical temperature limit is exeeded during the measurement, a (low or high) temperature alarm event is induced. This alarm could be sent via internet or SMS (to any mobil phone).
    The Temperature Alarms displays in a table all temperature alarm events that took place during the measurement. When temperature limits (upper and lower) are exceeded, data is displayed in green, when critical temperature limits are exceeded, data is displayed in red.

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